Sprayable liquid with nano substances for printing

Sprayable liquid with nano substances is a kind of an antiviral and antibacterial coating which works with an enormous power.

It is based on nano-sized substances, which absorb and destroy all the organic substances, including microbes such as viruses, bacteriam pathogens, mould, fungi etc.
There is a possilbility of adding nanoplates with nanotubes to a curently existing combination of nano substances which will increase the biological activity of the spray components and thus, result in even stronger biocidal effect.
The nanostructures filling our biocidal coatings have almose an electrifying effect, they destroy all the harmful microorganisms in an extremely effective and immediate way.
An easy application is an addiitional yet very important feature of our liquid because one can very easily spray it onto surfaces we would like to protect.
Nano-sized particles do not need a layer of a coating which has adhesive properties to the substrate, just as it is in case of traditional inks, paints and varnishes.
Their size quarantees absorbtion and merging into a single structure with a coated surface. Nanoparticles, after such application, become a part of a coated material.

You can find more information about our microbicidal varnishes HERE:
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