Research & Development

From the very beginning of its operation, SPLinx has been focusing on research and development work and the use of own skills, knowledge and technological potential.

Since our first days on the market we have been conducting research leading to obtaining our own product formulations, creating inks based on our ideas, knowledge and work.
In our opinion, one can be truly independent and sovereign in shaping the strategy and creating independent directions of growth and development only on the basis on own, individual solutions.

In 2018 we have established a fully professional Research and Development Department. Its task is everyday work on creating independent product formulations based on basic raw materials.
This way, as manufacturers of inks and paints, we reach increasingly more complex parts of the value chain created by the participants of the market.

Before launching an ink or varnish, which constitutes a product innovation, to the market, it is being comprehensively tested in terms of rheology (viscosity, printability, tack etc.), grind, homogeneity, chemical stability over time, sedimentation, mechanical resistance (to abrasion, scratching, etc.), chemical resistance (to alkali, alcohol, nitro etc.), lightfastness etc.
Next, the new product becomes a subject of further tests and research in a Quality Control Department.

Our Research and Development Department is also responsible for creating material safety data sheets, technical data sheets, certificates and statements as well as other chemical and professional documentation.
For creating our material safety data sheets we use CHEMETER, the professional SDS (Safety Data Sheet) software by SIAM.